Firework Safety for Your Pets on Canada Day Weekend

As Canada Day approaches, the excitement and anticipation build up for the celebratory events, especially the fireworks that light up the night sky. However, while we enjoy the festivities, it’s importance to remember that fireworks can be a source of stress and fear for our furry friends. The Brant County SPCA is committed to the safety and well-being of animals, and we’ve put together some essential tips to ensure your pets remain safe and comfortable during this time.

1. Keep Your Pets Inside

Fireworks can be frightening for pets, and the loud noises might cause them to run away in search of safety. To prevent this, keep your pets indoors during fireworks displays. This will help them feel more secure and reduce the risk of them getting lost or injured.

2. Close Windows and Blinds

Loud noises and bright flashes can be overwhelming for pets. Closing windows and blinds can help muffle the sounds and block the flashes, creating a calmer environment. This small step can make a significant difference in reducing your pet’s anxiety.

3. Stay Calm and Quiet

Pets often pick up on their owners’ emotions. If you remain calm and composed, it can help your pet feel more at ease. Try to maintain a quiet atmosphere in your home to counteract the noise from outside.

4. Update Microchip and ID

In the unfortunate event that your pet does manage to escape, having updated identification can be crucial for a quick reunion. Make sure your pet’s microchip information and ID tags are current with your latest contact details.

5. Give Them Lots of Love

Lastly, provide your pets with plenty of love and attention. Comforting them with their favorite toys, treats, and blankets can help distract them from the noise and make them feel more secure. Your presence and reassurance can greatly alleviate their stress.

Why These Steps Matter

Fireworks, while beautiful, can be a source of immense stress for pets. The loud noises and bright lights can trigger anxiety and fear, leading to behaviors like hiding, shaking, or attempting to escape. By following these simple steps, you can create a safer and more comfortable environment for your pets during the celebrations.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Canada Day from all of us at the Brant County SPCA!